When you make the important decision to either purchase real estate in Nanaimo or want to sell real estate in Nanaimo... or in Parksville, Qualicum or Ladysmith, it makes sense to choose Nanaimo Real Estate Agents that have your best interest at heart.
I am committed to going the extra mile for you. My entire focus is to ensure that all of your needs are successfully met in a professional and honest manner. For service and commitment, you won’t find a more trustworthy, down to earth and loyal Nanaimo agent. Let me help guide you through your next properties for sale or purchase journey.
With many years of experience in property deals from small to big, I have seen the high rollers and the salt of the earth families in the property market. I know that my honesty, integrity and professionalism sets me apart from the run-of-the-mill agents and the big conglomerate real estate agent brands with huge rambling teams. My clients all enjoy an extremely high level of customer service, guidance, administrative support and marketing insights as I build relationships with clients that last a lifetime. I am there, by your side, from start to finish as well as empowering you with valuable property knowledge, so you have a far more enjoyable real estate experience.
I make myself available at all times possible, and to meet that commitment to providing help, knowledge and guidance, I have equipped my website to be the best support hub it could possibly be. This hub of up-to-date and insightful information works hard through the night so you can be fully helped 24 hours a day.
Search listings at your convenience, browse reports, check out the real estate statistics and read up on the latest real estate information on your terms. When you are ready to see a listing in person or just have a unique question, please don't hesitate to contact me!!
Call Me: (250) 756-1132
To make your searches super easy, I have created searches in different price ranges:
All you need to do is click on either Nanaimo or Parksville/Qualicum or Ladysmith to go straight to the relevant page and then click on your price range.
Alternatively, if you are looking in a certain neighbourhood, you can search all properties just in that location. If you are looking for real estate in Nanaimo, click on the following areas to see the properties listed for sale in that specific area: Brechin Hill or Cedar or Central Nanaimo or Chase River or Departure Bay or Diver Lake or Extension or Hammond Bay or Lower Lantzville or North Jingle Pot or North Nanaimo or Old City or Pleasant Valley or South Nanaimo or South Jingle Pot or University District or Uplands or Upper Lantzville.
For Parksville and Qualicum real estate, click on Errington/Coombs/Hilliers or Bowser/Deep Bay or French Creek or Little Qualicum River Village or Nanoose or Parksville or Qualicum Beach or Qualicum North.
If you are new to Nanaimo, you may find our relocation/directory guide useful for local services.
...and finally, don't forget to check out my testimonials.