Autumn is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for a gorgeous spring garden. Experts say this time of year is critical for how your yard will look year-round.
Early in the fall, repair dead spots on your lawn by digging straight down, as deep as necessary to remove all the soil containing roots. Fill the hole with new soil and stamp down to turf level. Seed the area with a mix that matches your existing grass. Be sure to water regularly for the seeds to germinate and sprout.
For bountiful flowerbeds, combine one part blood meal, one part bone meal, and one part wood ash to scatter over bulb beds for beautiful blooms come spring.
Fall is the ideal time to plant a deciduous tree, the soil is still warm and holds oxygen that will encourage root growth. Plant your tree about six weeks before the deep frost. Be sure to prepare a large hole, almost five times the width of the root ball.
Add a little lighting to extend the beauty of your garden through the winter months. Light pale trees such as birches with back floodlighting. Sling tiny lights over a shrub or tree to give your winter garden a whimsical aesthetic.
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